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AmeriGlide Shower Roll-In Conversion Kit
Is your shower curb getting too difficult for you to step over before and after baths? We've got just the thing for you! The AmeriGlide Shower Roll-In Conversion Kit makes your shower easy for mobility-impaired bathers to get into and out of. Our installers will remove the threshold of your shower, and replace it with a non-skid, smooth-entry threshold that meets ADA guidelines for slope incline, clearing elevations up to 4 inches high. You choose the width of the threshold, from 24 to 32 inches. Walk or shuffle over the gently-sloping anti-slip threshold, or roll a shower wheelchair inside safely and easily. The threshold's interior has an inward slope to keep water from running out and creating another slip hazard.

The AmeriGlide Shower Roll-In Conversion Kit takes about 2 hours to install, and is usable after 24 hours have passed. Please note that the retail price of this kit includes the cost of installation - currently, we do not offer DIY versions of the AmeriGlide Shower Roll-In Conversion Kit, so our installers will need to come to your home to perform the necessary alterations.
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